
What is a Fibonacci Heap?

A fibonacci heap is a data structure that consists of a collection of trees which follow min heap or max heap property. The trees are constructed in a way such that a tree of order n has at least Fn+2 nodes in it, where Fn+2 is the (n + 2)th Fibonacci number.

Node structure

Operations on a Fibonacci Heap

Insertion Algorithm

  1. Create a new node for the element
  2. Check if the heap is empty
  3. If the heap is empty, set the new node as a root node and mark it min
  4. Else, insert the node into the root list and update min

Find Min

The minimum element is always given by the min pointer


  1. Concatenate the roots of both the heaps
  2. Update min by selecting a minimum key from the new root lists

Extract Min

The node with minimum value is removed from the heap and the tree is re-adjusted

  1. Delete the min node
  2. Set the min-pointer to the next root in the root list
  3. Create an array of size equal to the maximum degree of the trees in the heap before deletion
  4. Repeat until there are no multiple roots with the same degree
  5. Map the degree of current root (min-pointer) to the degree in the array
  6. Map the degree of next root to the degree in array
  7. If there are more than two mappings for the same degree, then apply union operation to those roots such that the min-heap property is maintained (i.e. the minimum is at the root)